your early morning routine tracker


Win the morning, win the day. Don’t wait to find time to achieve your goals—make the time. That’s why successful people tend to have an early morning routine. Here’s yours. Let’s get started.







📈 Performance Dashboard

Morning, early bird. ‣

Glad to see you here today.

Here’s a look at how you’re doing so far.



Streak Counter

Streak Counter (1)



Early Bird Starts Running Total

Early Bird Starts Running Total Number





Streak Counter (1)

Streak Counter (2)

Streak Counter (2)

Streak Counter (3)


‣ Daily Routine Tracker

Not bad. Ready to grind?

Let’s get those dopamine levels up with some music. It’ll boost your mood and productivity.

Unless you need a rest day. No shame! We weren’t built to work non-stop. Track that below. 👇🏽


rest: listen to your mind & body

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REST zzz 1 morning Give yourself time to recover.

Status: Not Started



Enjoy early access to the latest set by your own personal DJ for the hour. 🎶



Player will auto-populate with the latest DJ set by steezyneekz before public release on YouTube. Click the playlist icon in the top-right corner to check out older sessions.



rise && grind:

your early morning routine

Today’s Progress: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

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1 ~ REFRESH ↓ 5 min Rehydrate and stretch. Wait to caffeinate.

Status: Not Started


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2 ~ RECHARGE ↓ 5 min Center yourself and lock in.

Status: Not Started


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